The locusts are Coming

The Final Judgement upon the Church and the World

Every thinking person in the Christian community knows that our world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. As we watch events taking place in the Middle East, the diabolical behavior of ISIS, the war between Israel and Hamas, the horrific actions of the Boko Haram, and then the reports of terrorists entering our country via ‘immigration / refugees’ along with all the other calamities befalling our world; it is enough to strike fear to the hearts of the bravest of the brave!

Read the attached showing how the end time will unfold. Almost every person in the world is blinded by Satan. Now’s the time to remove the blinkers and see what is really happening and what will unfold before Jesus return.

What does the future hold? Can we know for sure what is going to happen? The Bible does tell us. The answer IS in the book below.

The Locust are Coming

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1 Response to The locusts are Coming

  1. T. Anne says:

    Thanks for the book. I’ll take a look a little later after I get home. Isaiah 26:20 keeps coming up everywhere I go in my studies. Must be something God wants me to see there.

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